Tuesday 15 March 2016


Oh hey, this is a thing. Still not used to it, I'll get a hang of it I suppose.

Anyway, here's some stuff I've been doing since I started study.

This first gif is a character I had to make for a group assignment we had to do where we had to make a rockband. this was just to see where everyone's animation knowledge was at. I'm really proud of the work me and my group have produced. Mine's a headless zombie saxophone player. Suffice to say it was pretty neato

I also made a walk cycle in our principles lesson, didn't add too much detail because I just wanted to get a feel for the walk cycle

And here I have an animation I'm working on including a flour sack whereby we have to go from one point to another. A little long so I'm not sure how I'll manage but I'll get there.

Yeah, so those are things. Whew